VM: Good Afternoon usb51. My name is Veterinarian Mark. What can I help you with today?
U5: I have a horse that is having a problem?
VW: What kind of problem is your horse having?
U5: It keeps repeating 05-0172-045D every time it gets up.
VW: Are you telling me that your horse talks to you?
U5: Well, not really talks to me. It just keeps saying 05-0172-045D every time it gets up.
VM: hmmm... That is strange. I have been a vet for 30 years, and i have never heard of a horse talking. What is this horses name?
U5: Wilber.
VM: Wilber eh? And what does Wilber sound like when he is talking sir?
U5: A lot like a cow.
VM: So we have a horse named Wilber, that says 05-0172-045D every time it gets up, and sounds like a cow when it says that... Interesting. Does it still act like a horse after it says '05-0172-045D'?
U5: No.
VM: No? So what does it do then?
U5: It falls over like its dead.
VM: Like its dead? And you are only NOW telling me this? Where is this Wilber right now?
U5: In the kitchen.
VM: Wilber is in your kitchen??
U5: Yes, in the kitchen.
VM: Ok, and why is Wilber in the kitchen?
U5: Because every time Wilber gets up he says 05-0172-045D.
VM: Well, sir, I am a little bit confused here. Let me go check my crystal ball.
U5: You have a crystal ball?
VM: Yes sir. You see, over my 30 or so years of treating patients, I have on rare occasions needed a crystal ball to come to the correct diagnosis. And I think this is one of those times. Give me just a minute to get in tune with my crystal ball...
I see something here about a very large toosh... Yes... It has four feet, but... now this is strange! No legs! OMG Wilber has no legs?
U5: That would be correct.
VM: And you didn't tell me this? Oh my Wilber appears to be gray... and hairless... OMG! Wilber has no hair!?!?!?
U5: That would be correct.
vM: Wilber is indeed a very strange horse sir. Oh my! Wilber only has one eye!!!!???
U5: yes again.
VM: I can see Wilber has a tail... a very black tail... Strange since Wilber is a gray horse...
U5: He has always been a gray horse with a black tail doc...
VM: I am also seeing something about L 505-S60946... no.... L505-S60946... Yes thats more like it. No space after the L there... I wonder what that means though...
U5: Well, that is my Wilbers model number.
VM: Model number? For a horse???
U5: Yes doc...
VM: Ohhhh... this is coming in clearer now... That wasn't a TOOSH! That was a Toshiba! Why didnt you tell me that to start with?
U5: I didn't think that was important doc...
VM: I think I have this figured out now. I will bet that Wilber has a keyboard on its back, right?
U5: Why, yes, he does.
VM: I want you to go plug Wilber into the wall... using his black tail. Then I want you to repeatedly tap that F12 key while it is booting until you get to the advanced boot menu. Make the CD your Boot disc from that menu, and then like any good Toshiba owner, you will put the recovery disc into Wilbers mouth, and reboot. If that is still failing, your may need to take your laptop to a computer shop or send it back to Toshiba (computer shop would most likely be much quicker and cheaper) and have then re-install windows for you .If you do manage to get back to Windows on your own, immediately run your McAfee Anti-Virus in deep scan mode. However, since I highly suspect that Wilber has not seen an up-to-date anti-virus program for awhile, go to www.avg.com/download to grab another anti-virus program to run and clean your system.
VM: Next time, come with computer BRAND AND MODEL, Windows version, and other things that we should not need to dig out of our crystal balls.
Have a good day!