How can I find my lost android phone and it is dead

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Jonathon Wise

Nov 1, 2014
I lost my android been searching for two days and I called it twice and its dead.plz tell me how to find it.Its been getting on my nerves and I SEARCHED EVERYWHERE
You could report it to the local police station and they can file a record, so they can contact you in case someone tuns the phone in.

There isn't really a technical way to locate your phone like the "Find My iPhone" feature if your phone is low or out of battery.

I would suggest you to cancel/disconnect your cellphone number with your carrier and perhaps obtain a new SIM card, so if someone tries to use your old SIM card to make calls/texts/use data, they won't be able to.

Good luck!
You could report it to the local police station and they can file a record, so they can contact you in case someone tuns the phone in.

There isn't really a technical way to locate your phone like the "Find My iPhone" feature if your phone is low or out of battery.

I would suggest you to cancel/disconnect your cellphone number with your carrier and perhaps obtain a new SIM card, so if someone tries to use your old SIM card to make calls/texts/use data, they won't be able to.

Good luck!

This happen to me search for cell for 2 days & by chance while checking my Google account came upon this & I was able to ring & locate my cell which was already dead, Cool stuff. If you have any Google apps(gmail, Google play, etc) already on your cell sign on to your Google Play account click on the weird. wheel looking icon. Its going to give you about 3 options MY ORDERS, SETTING, ANDROID DEVICE MANAGER. Where it says Android Device Manager, as soon as you enter it will start locating your cell, it will give you an approximate of where it can be it doesn't pin point it directly on cell tho sorry but gives you a search area of where it can be. You then have two options if I'm not mistaken 1)ring 2)lock & erase device. If its not in your location aka your home then you can at least activate the lock & delete all info on cell. Hopefully like mine it was in the car in between the small space of the seat & storage saver. Yours might still be in a pair of dirty jeans lol. Good luck hope it helps you and others

You can't do that because i hav tryed it
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