How can you fix a white acer


Turn off the laptop and turn on while pressing F8.

Advanced Options menu should appear.

Go to Troubleshooting and select restore from the menu. Choose the most recent date and then click OK.
Questions for you...
1) What version of Windows is this running?
2) Did you make any changes/install anything recently?
3) How old is the laptop?
4) Has it done this before?
5) Did you recently update Windows?
6) Do you ever have issues with the screen flickering or having an odd tint?
7) When you start the PC does it show the Acer logo and the Windows logo before turning white? Or does it automatically go white?
My laptop acer is on 10 Windows version. No i haven't make any change to install recently. I have acer laptop two year. It never done this white screen before. It work all time. No i don't update the Windows. No flickering. I have acer and Windows logo. Now two day it have white screen on laptop. I dont no what i should do

Turn off the laptop and turn on while pressing F8.

Advanced Options menu should appear.

Go to Troubleshooting and select restore from the menu. Choose the most recent date and then click OK.