How do I download good morning/good night PICTURES (not links to them) into my Gallery???

May 8, 2018
I can only forward messages others send me. I have tried getting own off the Internet AND even saved them AND even made a special directory for them. Can't find them, nor the directory and no instructions came with the phone which was a gift so... I'm STUCK. I'm older than dirt and really NEED clear instructions on how to play with modern gizmos and stay in touch with my family and friends! Can someone PLEASE take a bit of time out to help an "ancient old duck??"
Hi there
Thank you "someone" for responding! I was about to lose the will to live..... These are Google messages to greet friends and family on Whatsapp early morning and at night. I simply go to Google and ask for "cute kitten good morning messages" for instance and a slew of them come up. I then "save" them on my smartphone (the one with the "not-so-smart owner") and out of easily 50 that I "saved", I cannot find ANY. Whenever one does crawl out from wherever they're hiding, I send it as my message for today AND... the recipients get a link instead of a cute kitten with a message! Most people HATE going to a link to read a 'good morning' card and some don't even bother to open their card!
I hope my explanation skills are not too long-winded or time consuming but.... surely there has to a simple way to do this??
Thank you for responding... I genuinely appreciate it....... all the way from the bottom of the world.
I see. So the problem then is that the app is sending them incorrectly. Unfortunately I don't know much about that particular app.

You may want to just try restarting (turn it off and back on) your phone and see if that resolves it. Sometimes that is all it takes.

However, if it isn't working as it should, and doesn't after a restart, then I would check with the app's makers (they can usually be contacted on their site or on google play) or check google play for updates to the app. It is possible it is a known problem and they have an update for it already.
THANK YOU Webworkings for your time, your effort and your willingness to help me figure this out.

I do believe I found the solution (perhaps not the best one but at least it works!)

I select a downloaded picture, hit the "share" button and before sending it (in which case it will just go as a link address), I actually add a little caption. That worked this morning and when I checked, each person I sent the picture to, didn't show the link but the real picture and the little message.

If that's what it takes then HIP HIP HOORAY !!
Thanks again...
By the way, I'd probably screw up royally if I were to try and restart or reset anything. Trust me, you cannot trust old ducks with new gizmos!
You know what WebWorkings??? I am not even going to try and figure out what happened.... I'll take it (even if I have to add a caption)! In hindsight... it may have been easier to figure out how to build my own space shuttle! Have a great day and thanks again. Annie