Solved! How do i find out the exact size of my "usb storage" ?

Apr 3, 2020
The "\sdcard" partition where personal files are kept.

How do i know the exact size of that partition??
Capacity and available are not the same thing, capacity is what it can store, available is fee space. What are you trying to figure out here? You should know the size of the local storage on the system, and what size SD card you have in there so would know the space on it that way. Things like programs, OS, etc.. all take space. If you configure the SD card as internal storage there is an option to merge the onboard phone storage and the SD card into one larger size instead of having them seperate.
Capacity and available are not the same thing, capacity is what it can store, available is fee space. What are you trying to figure out here? You should know the size of the local storage on the system, and what size SD card you have in there so would know the space on it that way. Things like programs, OS, etc.. all take space. If you configure the SD card as internal storage there is an option to merge the onboard phone storage and the SD card into one larger size instead of having them seperate.