how do I transfer a video from my phone to my computer with sound

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Aug 24, 2017
Video sends, but there is no sound. I downloaded to Dropbox, but the 'play' button comes up in the middle of the screen. Very short videos.
that did not come out the way I typed it! I have a short video on my phone that I want to transfer to my computer. Every way I have tried sends the video with no sound. Only Dropbox took it, but then the 'play' arrow shows up in the middle of this very short video
Can you tell us what phone OS and what computer OS you are trying to copy to/from. The differences between iOS and Android alone are pretty big here.

Also is this a locally stored video (like you took it from your phones video camera), or a video from the internet you are trying to save on your PC?

No, the questions are to reduce it becoming complicated.
When you ask a very generic how to ...... question when you do not state specifically what you are trying to do, let alone whether you are even using iPhone or Android that means we either A) provide you with 17 different answers to cover all the possibilities, or ask you 2 simple questions.

Since that is apparently far to complicated then I suggest you only by an iPhone and then take it to apple store for all your questions
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