T thently Distinguished May 10, 2007 97 0 18,610 Mar 27, 2012 #2 Hi Um more info .. Upvote 0 Downvote
artiqe Distinguished Nov 9, 2011 3 0 18,510 Mar 27, 2012 #3 Press the power button to turn it on. Jokes aside, unless it really isn't powered on, what kind of black screen are we talking about? Upvote 0 Downvote
Press the power button to turn it on. Jokes aside, unless it really isn't powered on, what kind of black screen are we talking about?
T thently Distinguished May 10, 2007 97 0 18,610 Mar 27, 2012 #4 Hmm or Spray paint? crow bar? Upvote 0 Downvote
nbelote Distinguished Oct 5, 2009 221 0 18,860 Mar 27, 2012 #5 It's not something you can just up and take off. You can, however, remove the LCD entirely and there won't be any more blackness. Upvote 0 Downvote
It's not something you can just up and take off. You can, however, remove the LCD entirely and there won't be any more blackness.
W willard Distinguished Nov 12, 2010 247 0 18,860 Mar 27, 2012 #6 I still suggest using a hacksaw. Upvote 0 Downvote