erm! no cheating is using a program to give you abilities that others do not have. modding is where every 1 agrees to use a set of different skins, a tweaked set of rules or a modified game engine... its not the same and dont try to justify it... cheating is and always has been shunned because it allows players to cheat to cough *win... modding doesnt allow you to win its just changing the look/feel of a game. its still a level playing field...
i have played games for over 30 years and most of the time i have seen cheats they are all about hiding the fact they are cheating. it gives them a false sence of respect because they dont get it in the real world and they cant get it in the gaming world either, there just loosers and nothing more... ban them and let them cry that they got banned...
* not that you actually win your bot won and you lost because you payed $100 for it then get banned and laughed at coz your lame.
i have played games for over 30 years and most of the time i have seen cheats they are all about hiding the fact they are cheating. it gives them a false sence of respect because they dont get it in the real world and they cant get it in the gaming world either, there just loosers and nothing more... ban them and let them cry that they got banned...
* not that you actually win your bot won and you lost because you payed $100 for it then get banned and laughed at coz your lame.