Every one of us gets an annoying amount of marketing or unsolicited calls. If a particular number is bugging you for some reason, you can block them. Either by using a call blocking app or natively within Android. I always prefer to perform actions without apps where possible, so here’s how to block numbers on Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
There is nothing more annoying than being interrupted by telemarketers when you’re in the middle of something. Fortunately, Android Marshmallow has made it much easier to block them.
Block a number in Android Marshmallow
1. Navigate to your phone app and then Recent calls.
2. Find the number you want to block.
3. Press and hold that number.
4. Select Block number in the next window and confirm.
Calls will still appear in your call log and callers will still be able to leave voicemails. They will also be able to send you SMS messages but they won’t be able to interrupt you with calls any longer.
To unblock a number in Android Marshmallow
If you block a number by accident or find an unknown caller is actually someone you know, you can just as easily unblock a number.
1. Navigate to your phone app and then Recent calls.
2. Find the number you want to unblock.
3. Press and hold that number.
4. Select Unblock number in the next window and confirm.
The selected number should now be able to call you as normal.
Android Marshmallow has made it much easier to control callers and block numbers than in previous versions. Now there really is no need for a third-part app to block those pesky telemarketers.