how to change a dataroot folder location in zimbra desktop app. ?


Oct 19, 2014
how to change a dataroot folder location in zimbra desktop app. ?

please find the VB script.

please help me on that topic.

thank you.

' * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
' * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
' * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Zimbra Software, LLC.
' *
' * The contents of this file are subject to the Zimbra Public License
' * Version 1.4 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
' * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' *
' *
' * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
' * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
' * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
' */
' ZD runner

Dim oFso, oReg, oShellApp, oShell, oWMI, sScriptPath, sScriptDir, oTokens, sAppRoot, sDataRoot, sOverridePath
Dim sLocalAppDir, bIsUpgrade, sTmpDir, sRestoreDir, aUserDirs, aUserFiles, sVersion, sVerFile

const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001

Sub LogMsg(sMsg, iLevel)
If (InStr(Wscript.FullName,"cscript") > 0) Then
End If
If iLevel <= iLogLevel Then
oShell.LogEvent iLevel, "Zimbra Desktop: " & sMsg
End If
End Sub

Sub FindAndReplace(sFile, oTokens)
Dim oFso, oInFile, oOutFile, sTmpFile

Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sTmpFile = sFile & ".tmp"

On Error Resume Next
Set oInFile = oFso_OpenTextFile(sFile, 1, false)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
LogMsg "failed to open file: " & sFile, 1
Exit Sub
End If
Set oOutFile = oFso_OpenTextFile(sTmpFile, 2, true)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
LogMsg "failed to open file: " & sTmpFile, 1
Exit Sub
End If

Do Until oInFile.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLine, sKey
sLine = oInFile.ReadLine
For Each sKey In oTokens.Keys
sLine = Replace(sLine, sKey, oTokens.Item(sKey))

oFso.DeleteFile sFile, true
oFso.MoveFile sTmpFile, sFile
End Sub

Function GetRandomId
Set oTypeLib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
GetRandomId = LCase(Mid(oTypeLib.GUID, 2, 36))
End Function

Sub CopyIfExists(sSrc, sDest, bOW)
If oFso.FileExists(sSrc) Then
oFso.CopyFile sSrc, sDest, bOW
End If
End Sub

Sub LaunchPrism()
Dim sCmd, iRet

iRet = oReg.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop\Prism")
oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop\Prism", "OverridePath", sOverridePath

sCmd = Chr(34) & sAppRoot & "\win64\prism\zdclient.exe" & Chr(34)
oShell.Run sCmd, 1, false
End Sub

Sub StopProcesses()
Dim sCmd, sCScript, sZdCtl

sCScript = Chr(34) & oFso.GetSpecialFolder(1).Path & "\cscript.exe" & Chr(34)
sZdCtl = Chr(34) & sDataRoot & "\bin\zdctl.vbs" & Chr(34)

'Stop backend service and prism
oShell.Run sCScript & " " & sZdCtl & " shutdown", 0, true
End Sub

Sub BackupFailed(sMsg)
If Not IsNull(sMsg) Then
oShell.Popup sMsg, 0, "Zimbra Desktop", 48
End If
oFso.MoveFolder sTmpDir, sRestoreDir
End Sub

Sub BackupData()
If oFso.FolderExists(sTmpDir) Then
' Save leftover temp dir, in case it's needed in manual recovery
Dim iEpoch
iEpoch = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now())
oFso.MoveFolder sTmpDir, sTmpDir & "." & iEpoch
End If
oFso.CreateFolder sTmpDir

On Error Resume Next

Dim sDir
For Each sDir In aUserDirs
If oFso.FolderExists(sDataRoot & "\" & sDir) Then
oFso.MoveFolder sDataRoot & "\" & sDir, sTmpDir & "\" & sDir
If Err.number <> 0 Then
BackupFailed "File operation failed. Please close any open files under " & _
sDataRoot & "\" & sDir
End If
End If

oFso.CreateFolder sTmpDir & "\profile"
oFso.CreateFolder sTmpDir & "\conf"
Dim sFile
For Each sFile In aUserFiles
CopyIfExists sDataRoot & "\" & sFile, sTmpDir & "\" & sFile, true

Dim iButton, sMsg
oFso.DeleteFolder sDataRoot, true
If Err.number = 0 Then
Exit Sub
sMsg = "Unable to delete folder: " & sDataRoot & ". " & _
"Please close any open files in this folder and its sub-folders."
iButton = oShell.Popup(sMsg, 0, "Zimbra Desktop", 5 + 48)
End If
Loop While iButton = 4 ' Retry

' Cancled
BackupFailed Null
End Sub

Sub RestoreData(sSrcRoot)
Dim sDir
For Each sDir In aUserDirs
If oFso.FolderExists(sSrcRoot & "\" & sDir) Then
If oFso.FolderExists(sDataRoot & "\" & sDir) Then
oFso.DeleteFolder sDataRoot & "\" & sDir, true
End If
oFso.MoveFolder sSrcRoot & "\" & sDir, sDataRoot & "\" & sDir
End If

Dim sFile
For Each sFile In aUserFiles
CopyIfExists sSrcRoot & "\" & sFile, sDataRoot & "\" & sFile, true

oFso.DeleteFolder sSrcRoot, true
End Sub

Sub WriteVersion()
Dim oFout

On Error Resume Next
Set oFout = oFso_OpenTextFile(sVerFile, 2, true)
If Err.number = 0 Then
End If
End Sub

Function ReadVersion()
Dim oFin

ReadVersion = ""
On Error Resume Next
Set oFin = oFso_OpenTextFile(sVerFile, 1, false)
If Err.number = 0 Then
ReadVersion= oFin.ReadLine()
End If
End Function

Sub EnsureSingleInstance()
Dim oProcs, oProc, bFound
Set oProcs = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process " & _
"where Name='cscript.exe'",, 48) ' 48: forward-only enumerator + return-immediately

bFound = false
For Each oProc in oProcs
If Instr(1, oProc.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName, 1) > 0 Then
If bFound Then
End If
bFound = true
End If
End Sub

Sub BuildPath(ByVal Path)
If Not oFso.FolderExists(Path) Then
BuildPath oFso.GetParentFolderName(Path)
oFso.CreateFolder Path
End If
End Sub

Function GetDataRoot()
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop", "DataRoot", GetDataRoot
If IsNull(GetDataRoot) Then
GetDataRoot = sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop"
If Not oFso.FolderExists(GetDataRoot) Then
End If
GetDataRoot = oFso.getFolder(GetDataRoot).ShortPath
End If
End Function

Function IsNonEnUsXp()
Dim nLang, sVer
Set colOSes = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each oOS in colOSes
nLang = oOS.OSLanguage
sVer = oOS.Version
If nLang <> 1033 AND Instr(sVer, "5.") = 1 Then
IsNonEnUsXp = true
IsNonEnUsXp = false
End If
Exit For
End Function

'------------------------------- main ---------------------------------

Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")


sVersion="7.2.8 build 12102 (64-bit)"
aUserDirs = Array("index", "store", "sqlite", "log", "zimlets-properties", "zimlets-deployed")
aUserFiles = Array("conf\keystore", "profile\prefs.js", "profile\persdict.dat", "profile\localstore.json")
sScriptPath = WScript.ScriptFullName
sScriptDir = Left(sScriptPath, InStrRev(sScriptPath, WScript.ScriptName) - 2)
sAppRoot = oFso.GetParentFolderName(sScriptDir)
sLocalAppDir = oFso.getFolder(oShellApp.Namespace(&H1c&).Self.Path).ShortPath

sDataRoot = GetDataRoot()
xmlDataRoot = Replace(sDataRoot,"&","&amp;")
sVerFile = sDataRoot & "\conf\version"
sTmpDir = sDataRoot & ".tmp"
sRestoreDir = sDataRoot & ".rst"
sOverridePath = sDataRoot & "\zdesktop.webapp\override.ini"
bIsUpgrade = false

If oFso.FolderExists(sDataRoot) Then
If oFso.FolderExists(sRestoreDir) Then
RestoreData sRestoreDir
End If

Dim sCurVer
sCurVer = ReadVersion
If StrComp(sCurVer, sVersion) = 0 Then
bIsUpgrade = true
End If
End If

Dim sMsg
sMsg = "Initializing, please wait..."
If (InStr(Wscript.FullName,"cscript") > 0) Then
WScript.Echo sMsg
End If
oShell.Popup sMsg, 5, "Zimbra Desktop", 64


If bIsUpgrade Then
End If

' copy data files
If Not oFso.FolderExists(sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra") Then
oFso.CreateFolder sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra"
End If
If Not oFso.FolderExists(sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop") Then
oFso.CreateFolder sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop"
End If
oFso.CopyFolder sAppRoot & "\data\*", sDataRoot & "\", true

Set physMem = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_PhysicalMemory")
For Each mem In physMem
memTmp = mem.capacity / 1024 / 1024
TotalRam = TotalRam + memTmp

If TotalRam > 1000 Then
javaXms = "-Xms128m"
javaXmx = "-Xmx512m"
javaXms = "-Xms32m"
javaXmx = "-Xmx150m"
End If

' fix data files
Set oTokens = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oTokens.Add "", sAppRoot
oTokens.Add "", sDataRoot
oTokens.Add "@install.key@", GetRandomId()
oTokens.Add "", GetRandomId()
oTokens.Add "@install.locale@", "en-US"
oTokens.Add "@java.xms@", javaXms
oTokens.Add "@java.xmx@", javaXmx

FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\bin\zdctl.vbs", oTokens
FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\conf\zdesktop.conf", oTokens
FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\zdesktop.webapp\webapp.ini", oTokens
FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\profile\user.js", oTokens
FindAndReplace sOverridePath, oTokens

oTokens.Remove ""
oTokens.Add "", xmlDataRoot
FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\conf\localconfig.xml", oTokens
FindAndReplace sDataRoot & "\jetty\etc\jetty.xml", oTokens

If bIsUpgrade Then
RestoreData sTmpDir
End If

oReg.CreateKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop"
oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop", "DataRoot", sDataRoot



Here is a function which reads the location off the registry
Function GetDataRoot()
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop", "DataRoot", GetDataRoot
If IsNull(GetDataRoot) Then
GetDataRoot = sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop"
If Not oFso.FolderExists(GetDataRoot) Then
End If
GetDataRoot = oFso.getFolder(GetDataRoot).ShortPath
End If
End Function

If you don't know how to modify the Windows registry, you better not, and live with default location.

Here is a function which reads the location off the registry
Function GetDataRoot()
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop", "DataRoot", GetDataRoot
If IsNull(GetDataRoot) Then
GetDataRoot = sLocalAppDir & "\Zimbra\Zimbra Desktop"
If Not oFso.FolderExists(GetDataRoot) Then
End If
GetDataRoot = oFso.getFolder(GetDataRoot).ShortPath
End If
End Function

If you don't know how to modify the Windows registry, you better not, and live with default location.