How to change default apps on the Galaxy S7


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the default apps in either Android Marshmallow or on the Galaxy S7. But part of the fun of owning a smartphone is the ability to tune it precisely to the way you live and want to use it. That’s where custom apps come in. If you want to change default apps on the Galaxy S7, here’s how to do it.

When you first start using the S7, you will be prompted as to what app you want to use to perform a certain task. While useful to begin with, it doesn’t offer much in terms of customization as you likely won’t have many apps installed yet. So when you have a few apps loaded, how to you make them defaults?

Clear default apps on the Galaxy S7
Clearing the default apps on the Galaxy S7 is pretty simple.

1. Navigate to Settings and Apps.
2. Select the three menu dots in the top right of the screen.
3. Select Reset app preferences. This will clear all app preferences on the phone.


1. Navigate to Settings and Apps.
2. Tap the app you want to modify and select Open by default.
3. Select Clear defaults.

Once the default app has been cleared you will be prompted to select a default app once you next select that process.

If you just want to change a default app, try this:

Change default apps on the Galaxy S7
1. Navigate to Settings then Apps.
2. Select the gear icon in the top right of the screen.
3. Select Default apps and tap the app you want to change.
4. Tap the app you want to select to make it the default.
5. Repeat for the other apps you want to change.
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