How to connect Samsung Impact T746 to wifi using Blue tooth?


Oct 28, 2010
Hello all, I will greatly appreciate if any body can suggest me how to access free wi-fi internet on my Samsung Impact Model SGH T-746 with the following phone details
Blue tooth availability
Software version T746BMJB3 Language English
Client version MagicSync V.1.0.0


Dear Buwish, is there any other method or technique through which I can access the free internet on my Samsung Impact phone without getting charged from the service provider? Can you also through some light on Mifi system of accessing internet. I will greatly appreciate the same.

I am not aware of any other methods, save for the data plan. You'd have to get a new phone with wifi capabilities in order to access the Internet without a data plan.

Definitionally speaking, this is what Mifi is:

A MiFi is a type of compact wireless router that serves as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. By backconnecting to a cellular data network and frontconnecting to local (up to 10m/30ft distance) Wi-Fi devices, the MiFi creates a local "cloud" of shared high-speed Internet connectivity.