How to Create a Group Board on Pinterest

A group board on Pinterest contains the Pins that fall under a certain category. If you want multiple Pins of the same category to be collected and stored in a common place, it is a good idea to create a specific Pinterest group board for that purpose.

Although you can create a Pinterest group board for your personal viewing only, if you want, you can make the board available for all Pinterest users so that they can view and share the Pins on your pinboard.

You can make your Pinterest group board available to the public when you first create it:

Here's how:

    ■Using your favorite web browser, sign in to your Pinterest account.
    ■On the Home page, click the ‘+’ icon available next to your user name or menu button (button with the Pin icon) at the top-right corner.
    ■From the expanded list, click the Create a board option.

    ■On the Create a Board popup box, populate the available fields with the appropriate values.
    ■Ensure that the Keep it secret toggle button is set to No.
    ■Type the name(s) or email address(es) of the desired people in the Who can add Pins field, and select people from the suggestions.
    ■Once selected, click the Add button located at the right to add the selected users.
    ■Finally click the Create Board button at the bottom-right corner to create the group board.


Note: You can also convert a secret Pinterest board to public. However, at the time of this writing, this conversion process does not work both ways, i.e. you cannot convert a public Pinterest board to secret.