How to Edit Widgets in OS X Yosemite’s Notification Center

Apple’s Notification Center has gone under major changes in OS X Yoesmite. Unlike previous incarnations, Yosemite’s Notification Center has another tab in addition to Notifications called Today. The Today tab shows things like the current date, weather, and reminders of that day’s events. The Today tab has widgets, and if you follow these few simple instructions, you will learn how to edit widgets in OS X Yosemite’s Notification Center.

1. Accessing notification center- In the upper right hand corner of the top menu bar, click the Notification Center icon. The Notification Center will slide out from the right side.

2. Today- Click on the Today tab to see the information that is displayed such as the day’s events, weather, and date. At the bottom of this tab is a button marked Edit. Click the Edit button.

3. Today’s edit button menu- After you click the Edit button, an additional column will slide out to the right of the Today tab. This additional tab column is where the widgets are stored. From this menu, you can add widgets to the Today tab or remove existing ones from the Today tab.

4. Adding or removing widgets- To the right of each widget in the additional tab is a green + symbol. Click this symbol to add the widget. On the current Today tab, there is a red – sign next to the current widgets. Click the sign to remove a widget. With these tools, you can customize your Notification Center to only have widgets that are relevant to you.