Watching your favorite content in HD is great, but what about watching it in 4K Ultra HD? Well, the latest technology in resolution will give you more detail in the image than you could ever imagine. What does it take to stream in the highest quality available in the world right now? Read on and check you have all it takes.
Step 1
Look for the 4K Logo on the Outside of the Box of your Roku Device
This is the first step in the chain, you will need a Roku Device that is capable of streaming in 4K because if the source of the content is not in 4K, the rest is useless.
■ Compatible devices are: ‘Roku Streaming Stick +’, ‘Roku Premiere’, ‘Roku Premiere +’ and ‘Roku Ultra’. Mostly it will appear as a feature on the box.
Plug the Roku device to a 4K-Compatible TV
This is the second most important link of the chain because if you stream it but you can´t see it, you will be throwing money away.
■ A full HD TV will have 1080 by 1920 pixels, while 4K technology employs 2160 by 3840 pixels. The difference is huge, make sure yours support it.
Step 3
Run a Speed Test on your Internet Connection to Make Sure it is Over 25mb
Most content in 4k is very ‘Heavy’ and needs a speed of at least 25mb for streaming seamlessly.
- ■ This is the last link in the chain because it is a matter of time and willing. If you´re internet connection is not-so-fast, you can let it load and wait, so it is up to you.