how to figure out if ram is compatible


Mar 22, 2013
I have an older laptop that i am trying to upgrade for a friend on a very tight budget ive gotten everything but the ram i am trying to figure out a way to figure out what ram is actually compatible with the laptop its older so cheap ram shouldnt be a problem its all over the place on ebay but is there some way to look up the individual type of ram to find out if it will work short of just throwing it in and testing he cant really afford to buy it from crucial or anything so i am trying to check the compatibility and buy it from ebay amazon etc i found some 5-6 dollar sticks and some a little more but cant figure out which will work it is a IBM Lenovo Thinkpad T60 Any help would be greatly appreciated
I appreciate your response and help in this however i knew it was ddr2 ram i just couldnt figure out whether it needed to be OEM compliant like it needs to be with some desktop motherboards or not or whether any ddr2 pc2 5300 ram was compliant
lol i wonder if i can upgrade my NC6400 with the same ram time to go do some hunting i found 4 1gb sticks for 16$ which will give him from a 512 - 2gb which should help alot and then maybe use one of the extras on my NC6400 lol hopefully