The recommendations provided by Netflix influence what you watch. On most occasions, the recommended content receives the highest number of hits. They are personalized to your viewing choices and history, driven by learning algorithms, and therefore differ from user to user.
Having a better set of recommendations makes it easier for you to browse through the kind of content you like to watch. Here’s how you can improve it.
How to Improve Recommendations with Likes?
1. Open the Content page
Select the movie or show you want to Like. You will be taken to the respective information page.
2. Select Rate
Select the ‘Rate’ option below the content description. A pop-up for Thumbs up or Thumbs down will appear.
3. Hit Like/Dislike
Choose the ‘Thumbs Up’ button to like, and ‘Thumbs Down’ to dislike.
Your movie and show recommendations are influenced by the likes and dislikes you give on content you have already watched. Constant likes on content pertaining to a particular genre will incline your recommendations towards it. Dislikes will make similar content disappear from your recommendations.
How to Improve Recommendations using the Taste Preference Survey?
1. Click your Account name
Select your ‘Account name’ on the top right of the screen. A drop-down list will appear.
2.) Open My Account
Select ‘My Account’ in the list. Your Account page will open.
3.) Open Taste Preferences
Click on ‘Taste Preferences’ under the My Profile section in the Accounts page. A survey page will appear.
4.) Select Categories
On the top right corner of the page, click on the ‘Categories’ option and select the category you want to set your preferences in. Some of them include Moods, Genre, Release Date, and Language. The body of the page will now display options pertaining to that category.
5.) Set Preferences
Click on how frequently you watch a particular kind of content as displayed in the body of the page. Do this by clicking against one of the three circles for Never, Sometimes, and Often.
6.) Exit Page
Exit this page by clicking on the Netflix logo, or the ‘My Account’ option. Your preferences will be saved.
You will begin receiving better recommendations after following the above steps.
Having a better set of recommendations makes it easier for you to browse through the kind of content you like to watch. Here’s how you can improve it.
How to Improve Recommendations with Likes?
1. Open the Content page
Select the movie or show you want to Like. You will be taken to the respective information page.
2. Select Rate
Select the ‘Rate’ option below the content description. A pop-up for Thumbs up or Thumbs down will appear.
3. Hit Like/Dislike
Choose the ‘Thumbs Up’ button to like, and ‘Thumbs Down’ to dislike.
Your movie and show recommendations are influenced by the likes and dislikes you give on content you have already watched. Constant likes on content pertaining to a particular genre will incline your recommendations towards it. Dislikes will make similar content disappear from your recommendations.
How to Improve Recommendations using the Taste Preference Survey?
1. Click your Account name
Select your ‘Account name’ on the top right of the screen. A drop-down list will appear.
2.) Open My Account
Select ‘My Account’ in the list. Your Account page will open.
3.) Open Taste Preferences
Click on ‘Taste Preferences’ under the My Profile section in the Accounts page. A survey page will appear.
4.) Select Categories
On the top right corner of the page, click on the ‘Categories’ option and select the category you want to set your preferences in. Some of them include Moods, Genre, Release Date, and Language. The body of the page will now display options pertaining to that category.
5.) Set Preferences
Click on how frequently you watch a particular kind of content as displayed in the body of the page. Do this by clicking against one of the three circles for Never, Sometimes, and Often.
6.) Exit Page
Exit this page by clicking on the Netflix logo, or the ‘My Account’ option. Your preferences will be saved.
You will begin receiving better recommendations after following the above steps.