1. Being unique- Being unique means posting pictures that others haven’t already done thousands of times (clouds, landmarks, etc.). Look for something new!
2. Having a theme- Having a theme is almost a sure way to get more likes and followers. A theme isn’t the same pictures over and over again, but rather some constant element in photos, even if the photos are different.
3. Interesting hashtags and fewer hashtags- If you identify your photos with hashtags, they need to be interesting. For example, if it’s a photo of a woman diving into water, making the hashtag simply “diving” probably won’t garner many likes or followers. Keeping the number of hashtags down is also a good thing.
4. Responding and responding in kind- Many people trade likes for likes, meaning they will like your photo if you like theirs, so being generous when you hand out the likes will likely get you likes in return. Responding to comments will show that you are paying attention to those that are paying attention to you.