Question how to get rid of the new chrome browser


Aug 20, 2016
about a month or so ago it seems chrome made us use a new style browser. it has a dumb down poining arrow on the top bar way over to the left side. and then they also made the drop down boxes take up way more room and their bookmarks now do not have the color for the folders. come on folders are yellow or what some call manilla in color. i tried going to chrome// flags and doing that refresh 2023 and ui refresh 2023 and now that gails. last week it still worked.

so has anyone found a fix for this yet. i sure would like the old one back they are about like yahoo always wanting to change something that is working good. so i sure would like to get the old one back from a few months ago. thanks
i got a reply in my email but it did not show up here. however i had to go to the new UI in chrome but i do not like it at all. the bookmark color is gone and when you click a bookmark and it drops down the items i used to see are not there now they spread that drop down out so now i have to scroll down to get to bookmarks and now i have had to reshuffle them so the most used are at the top. i had them in more of an alfa order like a file system no i had to break that up in favor of a most used.
I have been using the Firefox browser for years, and it has a brilliant Password manger built-in. There are lots of add-ins for it, and lots of special tweaks inside about:config if you have any technical requirements. It is also possible to apply CSS files to the startup, if you don't like the tabs or other visuals. See the Reddit poster black7375 to get his scripts.
ok i put edge and firefox back on a pc for testing and firefox has done away with the folder like chrome did and just has an outline for them. i see edge still has the folder filled in with color so i will try using edge for a bit. but my guess is they will soon follow the others being they all are now using the same base program according to the win10 guys. thanks.
thanks i did that and it did not work and they basically told me to bad

Chrome Refresh 2023​

Enables the new desktop design. Customize Chrome Side Panel must also be enabled. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Fuchsia, Lacros
i have disabled selected

DefaultEnabledEnabled without OmniboxDisabled

Chrome WebUI Refresh 2023​

Enables the new desktop design for WebUI. Chrome Refresh 2023 must also be enabled. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Fuchsia, Lacros
i have disabled selected

ok i did that and it did not work. i have all my old app and programs on a thumb drive for a few years ago and i did delete the app. i even took another hard drive formatted it and installed win10 and then chrome from that thumbstick and it came up in the new style. so i guess i have no choice. and just learn to live with it, thanks for the help