How to hook up a Active Sub to a PA amp (Crown XLS 1002) with a pair of passive speakers
Hello -
Here is my system.
I guess my other question is imaging, if I bind the loudspeakers to 1 channel how does it tell Left from Right?
Hello -
Here is my system.
- Amp - Crown XLS 1002
- PreAmp - JBL Mpatch2
- Passive Loud Speakers - 2x Polk RTI6
- Active Sub - Yamaha with RCA out
- looked online and the only thing I found was that I need to put the loudspeakers in Channel 1 output
- And then I need a Y XLR cable from the DAC to Channel 1 of the input (Crown says Channel 2 is turned off in Y mode)
- Either a RCA to Speakon cable/adapter to channel 2 for the sub or RCA to banana ect to the channel 2 output.
- Then set the lowpass filter on the Crown Amp to direct low frequency on channel 2.
- Then I w
I guess my other question is imaging, if I bind the loudspeakers to 1 channel how does it tell Left from Right?