Hello all!
I have these Firstrend Wireless Security Cameras That I want to get set up on our wifi.
(Link: https/www.amazon.com/dp/B077HX91ZN/ref=twister_B07FTJW87J?_encoding=UTF8&th=1)
Currently, the range is terrible, and all they are currently doing is connecting to the NVR itself.
I'm having difficulties with them cutting out, losing signal, etc.
I was wondering if there was a way to connect the cameras to the WiFi so we can have a better range,
Or if there's a way just to improve our range in general?
Some things I should mention is:
*There are parts of the building that are made out of concrete, and other parts made out of wood.
*It is a one floor, somewhat large building (Used to be a bar) that has a TON of walls.
*We are trying to see both the front and the back of the building, as well as inside.
I really hope we can come to a conclusion so we can fix this issue (and so I don't look like a fool, LOL!)
Thank you so much!
I have these Firstrend Wireless Security Cameras That I want to get set up on our wifi.
(Link: https/www.amazon.com/dp/B077HX91ZN/ref=twister_B07FTJW87J?_encoding=UTF8&th=1)
Currently, the range is terrible, and all they are currently doing is connecting to the NVR itself.
I'm having difficulties with them cutting out, losing signal, etc.
I was wondering if there was a way to connect the cameras to the WiFi so we can have a better range,
Or if there's a way just to improve our range in general?
Some things I should mention is:
*There are parts of the building that are made out of concrete, and other parts made out of wood.
*It is a one floor, somewhat large building (Used to be a bar) that has a TON of walls.
*We are trying to see both the front and the back of the building, as well as inside.
I really hope we can come to a conclusion so we can fix this issue (and so I don't look like a fool, LOL!)
Thank you so much!