While using your Android smartphone, there are many apps that try to access your location information so that they can display the appropriate advertisements as per your region, or show the relevant contents according to your area of residence and culture.
Generally it is recommended that you keep the feature enabled, i.e. allow the Android apps to use your location information, which is the default configuration. However you might want to disable the option if you are out of your hometown or local region, or you do not want Google or any of the Android apps to access your location information..
In order to prevent the Android apps from accessing and using your location information while using your Android smartphone, you must follow the instructions given below:
- ■Turn on your Android smartphone if it is powered off.
■Tap the Menu icon to display the apps list.
■Locate and tap the Settings icon.
■On the Settings interface, tap the Location option under the PERSONAL section.
■On the Location window, slide the OFF/ON toggle button at the top-right corner, to disable the feature. (Default is ON)
Note: if you want to re-enable the feature for the apps, slide the OFF/ON toggle button at the top-right corner, and then tap the Agree button from the opened pop up box. Once you are done, apps on your Android phone will start accessing your location.