Solved! How to open my diskdrive of laptop

Drives are not physically serviceable. Unless you're a professional recovering data in a laboratory environment, there's no reason for you to be opening your drive. And if this were the case, you'd hardly be asking this question.
Drives are not physically serviceable. Unless you're a professional recovering data in a laboratory environment, there's no reason for you to be opening your drive. And if this were the case, you'd hardly be asking this question.
Are you talking about the optical drive? If your laptop has an optical drive there will be a button on the side of your laptop that opens the disc drive when you press it.

If you're talking about how to remove the optical/disc drive of your laptop, if you open up your laptop (i.e. remove the bottom cover) the disc drive should be able to be removed that way.

Sorry if I've misunderstood your question.
you have to order special set of screw drivers for hard drives as they dont use standard screws. if you do open the drive you void any warranty. as posted before there no parts other then magnets that can be reused on a failed drive unless your stripping them down for money.