How to Race Your Frogs in Pocket Frogs

Pocket Frogs is an online simulation where you take frogs, grow them and tame them, breed and sell them, and much more. Since there are well over 10,000 frogs to date, filling one’s Froggydex is a task that will require a long investment of time and patience. Another aspect of the game that is a popular one is racing your frogs. To learn how to race your frogs, simply follow these few steps and you’ll be off to the races in no time.

1. Opening the game- Tap the Pocket Frogs icon on your mobile device to open the game.

2. Frogs page- On the Frogs page are several options, one of which is called Games. Tap Games and then tap Race.

3. Criteria- There are several criteria you must meet before you race your frogs. Here are the criteria:
• Frog’s Rarity level must not exceed player level.
• Frog must be fully tamed.
• Frog must be fully mature.

4. Race time- Your frog will now race against four other frogs. It is all a matter of your frog’s speed and stamina versus the speed and stamina of your computerized opponents.

5. Prizes- Should you win the race, you will have a choice of prizes. You may either take one of the frogs who ran against yours as a prize or coins. You will get the coins if your mailbox is full.