Question how to remove ads


Aug 20, 2016
does anyone use the my radar app? if so has anyone figured out how to get those ads that show at the bottom left to go away? i have 2 pcs and i have that app on both of them and on one pc i do not get those ads and on the other pc they showup. i turned off googles popup ads so it has to be someplace else that managed to get those ads to disappear. i know if i pay for the app they should go away but like i say one pc has them and one doesn't. and this pc that has them did not have them until i had to restore win10 so something on the pc i may have to change.

i tired popup blocker and adblock but if i try to click on those ads they go away and will not let me pick anything to turn off. so maybe someone here has a way to turn them off?

did not work. the adds are in the my radar app when i run the app they show up at the lower left. i did not have them on one pc but then today i had to do a restore and now this pc has the adds like the other pc has in that my radar app. normally i would figure it is the app showing them but because i had one pc that showed them and one that did not show them i figure that must be away to remove them
ok i tried and got nothing useful. most of the answers are for normal adds. but the ads in the radar app are embedded in the app and when i click on ublock origin the radar app goes away, if i could get it to become a tab i may be able to remove those adds.

the funny thing is one pc those ads are gone and one they're still there so it is possible to get them gone but i have no clue. both pcs were fully reset a week ago and the radar app still has ads on one pc and none on the other pc.
so if you have a search term that will work send that along, all my attempts have failed so far