Question How to reset Bios on asus F555U

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May 22, 2019
I turned my pc on and saw a blue screen saying something like “ deleting flash memory” , i panicked turned it off and now cant turn pc on.
Tried pressing On button for 1 min and it wont work. I want to reset bios but the laptop has no battery. What can i do?
That kind of message would only occur if there was a USB drive connected. There would be no reason for it in regards to the laptops drive. So what was connected to the computer when you tried to turn it on?

Additionally, without power at all, then you can't resolve any software issues (if there is on). I would then suggest you either contact the manufacturer (if the laptop is under warranty) or try a local tech.
May 22, 2019
[Re my use of parentheses: read first without, then with.]

The comment about resetting the BIOS is near the end.

This is possibly a solution, if your situation is not as bad as mine, but FYI otherwise.

I am trying to fix the ASUS F555LA (2014) of a friend. She did the same thing, except that it was because of ASUS Live trying to do an update [which involved erasing some flash device, which I am thinking is the BIOS] while the machine was running.

I posted a question on this site, and someone [a Moderator] said that probably the motherboard has been fried. (I do not even get a power LED nor the fan running.) As I said, hopefully your machine is okay, and the following would fix it.

I have a BIOS writer -- CH341A; it piggy-backs onto the BIOS chip using a purpose-built clip. [I rang one local computer repair place and they did not have one.] (You can find endless numbers of YouTube videos on how to desolder and resolder the BIOS chip, but that is quite unnecessary.) You need > the CH341A and > a lead with the piggy-back clip, the other end of which inserts into the slotted... slot thing (and preferably also > a USB extension cord). (I ordered [previously] one from Melbourne [I am in Australia] and the other from Thailand or similar.) You use the writer to write the BIOS file (from ASUS's site) onto the BIOS chip.

I thought I would have bookmarked comprehensively for this, but all I can see is the following.

This is the associated software.!uJtTgAxC!r0ys8c-DlST8O1mSNpHjOTTCvNEsqFVi2Muf_1UCnh8
This is just some info about it, I think.

You will want to search for instructions on > plugging the piggy-back clip cable into the CH341A, > clipping said onto the BIOS chip [just make sure it is centred; it is easy the second time] and > using the software [again, easy the second time]. The BIOS chip is square, 4 to 5mm on a side, with 2 x 4 legs. Pin 1 is marked with a white dot; on the piggyback cable, pin 1 is the red wire. Make sure the laptop power is off while talking to the chip; else it won't work. Verify after writing ("Program"). You have to read which (type of) BIOS chip it is, from the back of the chip; I have used my smartphone to photograph it and then read from the photo; a magnifying glass would do. The software has a "Detect" function, but I would want to be able to verify that it looks right. (If you can read and verify, it should be right.) If it goes slowly (15 minutes vs 1 or 2), it is not attached properly.

If you want to try this, expect it to take about 2 weeks for both parts to arrive. (From memory, it was the Melbourne one that held up the show; just get that one from Thailand et al. as well.)

As for the laptop... you have to do as follows, for the F555LA. (Unplug first, but remember that it is still powered by the battery.)
  • Undo the screws.
  • Unclip (10-ish clips) the silver keyboard part from the black base part.
  • Lift it open about 1 inch. Spot the 2 cables leading from one face to the other. Undo (lift up gently) the black clip on the motherboard, holding the cable in, for each, then slide the cables out laterally. Open fully.
  • Noting that > 1 screw is different and > there are some holes for screws already removed (and > the white triangles)... Remove the screws holding in the motherboard, the HDD, the USB near the HDD, the battery, the DVD drive... and there is one screw holding the fan in place.
  • Slide the DVD drive out at least 1cm. Prise off (easily) the HDD (et al) connector that is pressed onto the motherboard and move that assembly out of the way. Unclip the little power-like cable, on the HDD adaptor, near the front of the machine. Lift up the battery straight; there is a small amount of resistance at the socket.
  • Treating the motherboard and the fan as one unit... Lift the fan end of the motherboard up about 1cm, then slide it that way about 1cm to get the sockets (e.g. HDMI, USB) out (mine was contrary), then rotate it (like screen) (because of the monitor cable). The BIOS chip is on the back (which of course is why we had to go to all this trouble!; otherwise, you could just... anyway).
Write the BIOS file using the CH341A assembly!

As I said, I have been advised that my motherboard is (probably) fried. Note that the CPU microcode [which is part of recent updates] is not flash memory, and is part of the (actual, itself) BIOS update; it [the CPU] uses ROM and RAM, and the BIOS gives it any modifications during boot (every time) [credit some web page I found]. ... I am still hoping that all I need is to reset the BIOS (or some other trivial thing [no other candidates here, really!]). I take it -- do not quote me on this -- that this is done by disconnecting AC power and battery power, and then holding down the power button for a (long) minute. (Usually there is a jumper or a button.) According to the following post, you should then wait for 10 minutes, before... turning on the machine.
( )

The only comment for putting it all back together, in reverse, is... [I can't remember now, but it is nothing fatal. Maybe to press the HDD connector on, or slide the DVD drive back at the end, or remember the fan screw... or probably to reattach that small power-like cable.]

Good luck!

p.s. I do not know if this particular machine is supposed to work from mains, with the battery unplugged.
Wow thank you very much for this in depth answer.
This might be a bit complex for my own knowledge but i will try if i can do it.
Thank you again!
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