How to retreve netgear router password

heather wilson

Feb 16, 2013
I dont remember my password to be logged on to my wireless for my iPhone. Please guide me on what I need to do to get the password in order to use my phone approperatly. I am trying to use the iCloud to back up my phone as i have broken the screen and don't want to lose any information. Your help and guidence would be appreciative. Thank you,
You need to go into your routers internal settings and to the wireless tab to view the password.
Enter into your browsers address bar and hit enter, then that will bring up the routers login screen and you need to enter the routers user name and password if you haven't set a new user name and password and are using the factory default the consult your user manual or the Netgear web page for it. Taht will get you into the router where you can navigat to the wireless section and the password will be there.