How to root Remix OS 3.0 (Latest)


Jun 24, 2015
Hi I'm trying to root Remix OS latest version available today for some purposes (like, to access my hard drive). All the formulas out there are for the older versions of Remix OS. Doesn't work with the latest version. So I would really appreciate if you could help me out here. Thanks.
the remix 3.0 i downloaded was pre-rooted. it is the one you get straight from

if that's the one you got, then it is already pre-rooted and ready to go. :) you can test it with the playstore app "root checker" by joeykrim but it should already be rooted for you.

i use it myself and can verify it is rooted out of the box.
the remix 3.0 i downloaded was pre-rooted. it is the one you get straight from

if that's the one you got, then it is already pre-rooted and ready to go. :) you can test it with the playstore app "root checker" by joeykrim but it should already be rooted for you.

i use it myself and can verify it is rooted out of the box.

Great!! That's right. Thanks a lot. Now, how do you access your other drives? I don't see mine 🙁
i could not get that to work yet. sounds easy but so far not working for me.

tutorial i saw said to install stickmount and then mount your other drives to it. then you can use any root level file manager to access the dives. they suggest es file explorer but there are plenty of others.

but i could not get my drives to mount. for now i have been moving files into and out of remix os using a windows program that will read the linux partition the remix data is in. been using for this. until i can troubleshoot why i can't mount my other drives. would make things a lot easier.

oh and the remix data is held in the data.img file in the remix os folder.

same here