While accessing your Facebook profile from a desktop PC or a laptop computer, you can exclude some unwanted people from viewing any post that you have published on your Facebook timeline. However, while using an Android mobile phone, the Facebook interface does not display the Custom List option from where you can exclude people.
That being said, the process of preventing a few people from viewing any of your status updates from your mobile phone is a bit tricky.
Below are the instructions that you need to follow while using your Android phone in order to restrict unwanted users from viewing your status updates on Facebook:
- ■Turn on your Android phone.
■Tap the Menu button to go to Menu screen.
■Locate and tap your favorite browser (E.g. Google chrome).
■Once opened, type www.facebook.com in the address bar, and tap the Go button.
■On the Facebook Log In screen, enter your credentials in the appropriate fields, and tap Log In to sign-in to your Facebook account.
Note: Since you are logged-in through the mobile web browser, Facebook will redirect you to the mobile version of the website. In order to open the PC version of the website on the phone, you must go to the address bar and remove the initial ‘m.’ from the URL, and then tap Go.
■Once the PC version of the site is opened, on the Update Status box, tap the privacy button (beside the Post button).
■Tap More Options from the displayed menu.
■From the extended menu, tap the Custom option (Icon with the gear symbol).
■On the Custom Privacy popup box that opens up, in the available field under the Don’t share this with section, type the names of the friends who you do not want to view the post.
10. Finally, tap the Save Changes button to save the privacy settings.