Question How to stream TuneIn radio via Bluetooth in car?

May 1, 2019
I recently installed a new Alpine radio with Bluetooth. All my apps stream fine but the minute I try to use TuneIn, it reverts to my iTunes automatically. I have "forgotten" the car, turned cellular data off in my iPhone settings, but it still does it. I like to listen to the morning news while I am driving, but my phone won't even let me use it on the PHONE speaker from when it's in the presence of the new Alpine radio. Any suggestions? I called Apple support and they only suggested doing the above. Thank you.
May 1, 2019
After calling Alpine AND Apple, twice, and getting only worthless suggestions, I accidentally figured out that Alpine has an app (that no one seemed to know about) that you have to download. It allows you to select Tune In. The Alpine customer service man kept insisting that there was no way my radio was doing what it was doing and that's as far as I got with him. So, now, the only remaining problem is that sometimes, it simply stops playing Tune In, and then I can't even play Tune In on my phone (it is playing, but nothing comes out of the phone speaker, or my little bluetooth speaker I have at home) and I have to turn the phone completely off and back on again.