If you're having trouble with T-Mobile, you may be calling Customer Service. You're likely to end up interacting with a robot.
If you want, you can be patient and wait until it finally directs you to a human customer service representative. But why should you wait? Here's how to get a person on the line at T-Mobile:
1. Get ready with your T-Mobile phone
2. Go to dial pad
3. Dial at +1 877-453-1304
4. Or dial at 877-778-2106
5. If you don’t get any real person to talk with despite of dialing at the above number then try this number 844-270-0187
6. After getting connected to those numbers you may still have to follow their commands and answer some prompts.
If you want, you can be patient and wait until it finally directs you to a human customer service representative. But why should you wait? Here's how to get a person on the line at T-Mobile:

1. Get ready with your T-Mobile phone
2. Go to dial pad

3. Dial at +1 877-453-1304
4. Or dial at 877-778-2106
5. If you don’t get any real person to talk with despite of dialing at the above number then try this number 844-270-0187
6. After getting connected to those numbers you may still have to follow their commands and answer some prompts.