How to upload High Quality Audio on YouTube ? (FLAC)

Mar 14, 2018
Hello, i want to know how to get the best audio quality on youtube.

i don't know how these persons do it, but they near the lossless-audio on youtube

Proof :

I have contacted a lot of people, No answer received...

What is the software, what is the settings ?

Please ! , explain what i have to do !

Note : i don't care if the final file is 30gb, i want the best quality

I'm very tired of that, please i want to know the secret

Thank you !
Just because someone labeled the video "HQ-FLAC" means nothing. As you can read in the comments, there is no "uncompressed" audio or video on YouTube.

Also - unless that FLAC consist of you playing the guitar and singing the voices, you have no legal right to upload it to YT.

The quality is awesome !!! This is the best quality on youtube, better than the official michael jackson vevo video

This is not a normal quality !! This is high quality (near the lossless)

and i want to know the secret for do this