1. Opening the game- Tap the Castle Clash icon on your mobile device to open the game.
2. Hero’s Altar- Tap the Hero’s Altar, then tap Enter. If you do not yet have the Hero’s Altar, upgrade your Town Hall until you are able to build it.
3. About slimes- Slimes are Heroes in a sense, but they are a special type known as Sacrifice Heroes. You cannot use them in any type of battle. Their only purpose is to be used in order to strengthen regular Heroes.
4. Hero Selection- Once you’ve entered the Hero’s Altar, select the Hero you wish to upgrade by tapping it. When you’ve selected your hero, you will see a button named Consume. Tap the Consume button.
5. Slime selection- After you select your Hero and Consume, you tap the Slime to consume it. This Slime consumption adds 100 Exp to your selected Hero.