How to Watch Star Trek Discovery

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It's really terrible that discovery won't be available to netflix in the US and canada but is in 180+ other countries. How does that make sense? I guess at this point I'm going to have to wait till they all air and do the trial and watch them that way. GET REAL CBS, you missed the boat.
I'm a huge Star Trek fan but I will not participate in this. If Discovery never comes out in syndication with the other Star Trek series, I will never see it.
Don't forget about StarTrekContinues on YouTube.

Realistic Star Trek episodes professionally produced by a bunch of fans. They've made over half a dozen 50 minute shows that are somewhat equal to the original, even the Cast has easily recognizable similarities.
I agree with some others. I yield to no one in my love for the series, but I will not encourage this type of extortion. If this is successful EVERY network is going to want their $6 a month which will just get out of hand very quickly.
I won't be buying it either because I believe the same as all the others that have commented. I can't believe CBS and Netflix would team up against the people of the US in a scheme to charge $6-$10 on top of us already paying for the other things that come on your cable channel. I'm already PAYING through the NOSE for cable and internet through my cable provider. They just enacted a bandwidth cap only allowing 1TB of data a month and if you go over that they charge you $10 per 50GB. The only other option with them now is if you plan on going over your data plans from streaming Star Trek and all the other stuff there is to stream, you have to PAY and EXTRA $50 a month for unlimited data. So thank you Cox Communications, CBS, & Netflix for SCREWING THE LITTLE GUY!
Every "channel" or news outlet wants their $2-$5-$10/monthly fee.

The traditional ad revenue is drying up.
Eventually this will appear on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I'll watch it then.
"CBS All Access " ? Not a chance.
Only available through CBS streaming?! Really? Well they can shove it into a big black hole. Love Trek, but hope this bombs because pf this narrow approach.
Have been a huge Star Trek fan for 40 years, but will NOT pay to watch above what I already have to pay for cable/internet. Not interested in this at all.
Been a 40 year Star Trek fan, but am offended that I'm expected to pay a monthly fee to CBS to watch, when I already pay dearly for cable and internet. Forget it CBS. Not interested.
Too bad, I'm a big Star Trek fan but I won't be signing on to CBS All Access. I wanted to see The Good Wife spin-off also but I figure CBS today, NBC tomorrow, ABC after thanks. I have a full card right now with Net Flix, Amazon, Sling, HBO, Showtime, and Roku channels. I don't need any broadcast network channels to start paying for no matter how good they think their shows are.
I've been a fan of Star Trek since it initially premiered in September, 1966, on NBC. I won't be extorted by CBS or Netflix, so I guess I won't be watching this new version. The director of the first Star Trek movie, Robert Wise, who also directed The Day The Earth Stood Still (the orginal), The Sound Of Music, and West Side Story, grew up in the same small city and went to the same high school as myself, and I'm sure that he wouldn't approve of the unbridled greed that exists in today's television industry.
I really want to see this. I will watch the first one tonight. But I refuse to pay for another streaming service. I have Hulu and Netflix, I dont need any more. I guess I will have to find alternative means to watch it.
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