Solved! HP envy 15 Thermal shutdown after 30 minutes of gaming. Can anyone provide assistance? In dire need of help.

Jun 13, 2020
CPU : i7 5500u
GPU : 850M
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1300MHz

Dust cleaned, Vents properly ventilated, undervolt of -0.045v, Thermal paste reapplied (Cooler Master Mastergel) and CPU fan replaced.

Further note: This problem has been occurring for the last 3 weeks.
Here you go friend, Some solutions I've tried. I had the same problem, I fixed it.

1 - Close background processes from Task Manager.

2 - Run a Malware, Spyware, and especially WORM and PUP's test. Malwarebytes does the trick.

3 - Disconnect from your Wi-Fi for some time and test again. If the problem is Internet, contact your Wifi instructor.

4 - Clean the C: drive.

5 - Change the Location of the Laptop. Dust may be causing it.

6 - If you dont mind, format your Laptop. If you do, Contact a PC professional to help you out.

7 - If you use windows 10, turn on CoolSense. It might or might not exist. If it does turn it on.

8 - Change Advanced Power settings. (type this in YouTube)

Hope these works my friend. If you still have the...
Here you go friend, Some solutions I've tried. I had the same problem, I fixed it.

1 - Close background processes from Task Manager.

2 - Run a Malware, Spyware, and especially WORM and PUP's test. Malwarebytes does the trick.

3 - Disconnect from your Wi-Fi for some time and test again. If the problem is Internet, contact your Wifi instructor.

4 - Clean the C: drive.

5 - Change the Location of the Laptop. Dust may be causing it.

6 - If you dont mind, format your Laptop. If you do, Contact a PC professional to help you out.

7 - If you use windows 10, turn on CoolSense. It might or might not exist. If it does turn it on.

8 - Change Advanced Power settings. (type this in YouTube)

Hope these works my friend. If you still have the exact problem, mfeel free to Contact me. :)
Here you go friend, Some solutions I've tried. I had the same problem, I fixed it.

1 - Close background processes from Task Manager.

2 - Run a Malware, Spyware, and especially WORM and PUP's test. Malwarebytes does the trick.

3 - Disconnect from your Wi-Fi for some time and test again. If the problem is Internet, contact your Wifi instructor.

4 - Clean the C: drive.

5 - Change the Location of the Laptop. Dust may be causing it.

6 - If you dont mind, format your Laptop. If you do, Contact a PC professional to help you out.

7 - If you use windows 10, turn on CoolSense. It might or might not exist. If it does turn it on.

8 - Change Advanced Power settings. (type this in YouTube)

Hope these works my friend. If you still have the exact problem, mfeel free to Contact me. :)
Running a malware test and cleaning the C drive are the two things I haven't done.
Thanks for the answer mate. Will try those out and inform.