HP Laptop headphone jack trouble (PLEASE HELP)


Jan 2, 2018
Hi, I'm having an incredibly annoying problem that I can't for the life of me figure out.

My computer's internal audio jack and 3.5mm front audio/mic jack are being treated as the same device. So when I plug headphones into my computer, sound plays out of both my headphones AND the external speakers. Essentially completely ruining the point of the headphone jack. I don't know how to fix this, some help would be most appreciated.

I have an HP ay15-137cl laptop, with windows 10.

I didn't have the problem until a couple months ago. It wasn't a big deal because I usually just plugged my usb headset in and it was fine, but now I don't have that anymore and I need to be able to use headphones.
OK, let me make sure this is clear. You are referring to the internal speakers and the external jack correct? There isn't really an internal audio 'jack' just internal speakers.

If it only shows the speakers when you go into control panel, and you have something like headphones connected (as the jack will not show as separate when nothing is plugged into it), the system may not be set up to show them separately in there (it happens). However, when they are connected, they should show in the taskbar. Right click on the speaker icon and then select "Open Volume Mixer". When the headphones are connected they should show there.
Try the following...

1. Go to "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Sound".
3. Make sure you are on the "Playback" tab.
4. Click on the device you are trying to fix.
5. Now click the "Configure" button and follow the prompts. (Be sure you also click the "Test" button.)
6. Once that is complete, click the "Properties" button.
7. When you are done with your changes, in "Properties", click "Apply" and then "OK".
8. Then click "OK", again, on the main "Sound window".

NOTE: If they don't show in there, right click on the white background of that window and make sure both "Show disabled devices" and "Show disconnected devices" is checked.

Should you still not see the them, right click on the "Speakers", only while the headphones/speakers are plugged in, and disable them. This may resolve the issue. Be sure you test that the internal speakers work again, when you unplug the headphones/speakers.

Thank you for the reply, but unfortunately that didn't fix my issue. What settings under properties am I supposed to mess with? Both the front jack and internal jack are registered together as one device: "Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))" I'm guessing I need to somehow split it into two devices, but I don't know how or if that's even a thing.
OK, let me make sure this is clear. You are referring to the internal speakers and the external jack correct? There isn't really an internal audio 'jack' just internal speakers.

If it only shows the speakers when you go into control panel, and you have something like headphones connected (as the jack will not show as separate when nothing is plugged into it), the system may not be set up to show them separately in there (it happens). However, when they are connected, they should show in the taskbar. Right click on the speaker icon and then select "Open Volume Mixer". When the headphones are connected they should show there.