I leave my HP dv2000 on with a battery as usual before I go for a break.
Today there was a blackout in the office and when I come back it was off. I don't know what cause it I believe that it was the battery runs out before I arrive but.
When I tried to turn it on it gives me 3 beeps like "Beeeeeep beep beep" and the screen goes blank and the power indicator and the media button were lit but the screen won't turn on and there is no HDD activity at all. I tried taking out the batter and it still gives me the same 3 beeps. Now I have no idea what to do.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated
Thanks in Advance
I leave my HP dv2000 on with a battery as usual before I go for a break.
Today there was a blackout in the office and when I come back it was off. I don't know what cause it I believe that it was the battery runs out before I arrive but.
When I tried to turn it on it gives me 3 beeps like "Beeeeeep beep beep" and the screen goes blank and the power indicator and the media button were lit but the screen won't turn on and there is no HDD activity at all. I tried taking out the batter and it still gives me the same 3 beeps. Now I have no idea what to do.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated
Thanks in Advance