Question HP Notebook opens with gray screen


Jan 11, 2012
Hi. Out of the blue, my HP Notebook opened-up and all I saw was a gray screen. I have tried numerous suggested remedies with no luck, including tapping the F2,, 10 and 11 keys after powering on. The results are all the same: an immobile cursor in the upper left-hand corner, and Startup Check for F2, BIOS Setup Options for F10, and System Recovery for F11. In all cases, the cursor remains steady (non-blinking) and the screen does not change to another when I hit ENTER. Of note, every minute or so I do hear a quick, stunted, single beep.

I have Excel files that I would like to retrieve and haven't had the opportunity to transfer to a thumb drive. Any suggestions as to what else I might try to wake this thing from the "dead" would be greatly appreciated. I've had the machine for four years and used it extensively, so maybe it was simply time for it to call it quits.

One other question: I'm sending this on a brand new HP laptop that just arrived hours ago. Can I retrieve those files I mentioned by connecting the two laptops with a M-T-M cable?, or does the "down" laptop have to be in working order for that operation to be done?

THANK-YOU for any advice!!!
Sounds a lot like a stuck key. You might want to try turning it off (no power) connect an external keyboard and then turn it on to see if it will then load.


Thanks for the prompt response. I believe my daughter has a keyboard , so I'll hook it up and report back on the results - good or bad.

