HTC Sues Apple with Patents it Received from Google

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[citation][nom]ttwwee[/nom]if the courts could charge more for filing lawsuits, US might get out of debt.[/citation]

But if the companies are paying more money to file these lawsuits, then they'll plan on making it back on the other end, by charging more for their products. In the end, it is the same people paying for it...
I hope Apple lose their law suit and their pants. As a long time PC loyal user, I hated their pissant ads mocking PC and PC users. I don't own any Apple products and I don't see myself buying anything Apple has to offer in the future. This is not going to dent their fortune but I sure am going to support most anything Google has to offer and continue to be PC user. My wife wanted iphone 4 but I was able to persuade her to get a Droid 3D phone instead. I myself own a Droid X and am happy with Droid OS. F Apple.
If you punch someone's friend in the face you can bet that you'll soon get a bullet in your noggin'. Nice job Apple, keep playing this stupid game and everyone in the world minus your own customers will hate you. The fact that you care so much about going after Andriod phone makers is amusing, what are you scared that they may actually have come out will a device that's better than yours?
how much do these companies (apple, htc, samsung, microsoft, google, oracle, ...) spend on litigation expenses each year? in the end the consumers end up covering the bills. sucks.
I'll have to take HTC's side,because some how I have a feeling that they're right! Also since that they're being helped out some what by Google,should make this very interesting.
The reason Google is helping HTC by actually transferring patents is because Google is afraid they'll lose them as a client to Microsoft after the Motorola acquisition. I wouldn't be surprised if the deal includes commitment on HTC's part to focus on Android for a specific number of years.
[citation][nom]agnickolov[/nom]The reason Google is helping HTC by actually transferring patents is because Google is afraid they'll lose them as a client to Microsoft after the Motorola acquisition. I wouldn't be surprised if the deal includes commitment on HTC's part to focus on Android for a specific number of years.[/citation]
Not really, I think HTC have some mobile phones with windows 7 but the market truth is not a lot of people buy that
Even though all these lawsuits are ridiculously stupid, apple deserves all that is coming for them. For as much of patent troll and impeder to technology they become I hope they lose major cash.
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