I am looking for a good laptop for my uncle and i would like to have it found fast


Apr 14, 2013
Hello. I am looking for a laptop for my uncle. His budget is about $300 CDN. It should not be focused on gaming as he does not game. I know that the range is very low-end but i want the best under $300. So, yeah. Basically the best laptop at about $300, give or take $25-50. Thanks guys.
At $300, your "best" choice is whatever laptop you can find for that. It's not like there is 50 different models to choose from at that price range.

You also don't mention if you are willing to order online or if you are buying from a store and where in Canada you are located if you are looking for a store, does the $300 include taxes, what is tax rate in your province, does he need a big screen cause he can't see, does he need something that will last 10 hours on a battery or will he be near a plug most of the time.

You didn't give a lot to work with and have a very low end budget.

This. I gave you a list of options since honestly, I have no idea what you are looking for. And yeah, at 300$, you are going for value not for quality. So "best" doesn't mean much.
Sorry. He's looking for an in-store found laptop that he can buy. I realize that $300 is very low-end and the best is not the best but i am making an effort not get something like the AMD E-300. As for the screen size, it can be annything over 14-15". As for where i am located, it's Toronto, ON. The $300 does not includes taxes and as for the battery, it only needs to be reliable and last at least 5 hours. He will be moving abroad soon and will take the laptop with him.
At that price range, you are only going to get low end pentiums, celerons and AMD's. You won't get a AMD APU chip or an "I" anything. Best buy has a flash sale today, all laptops on sales, today only, might be his best bet to get down there today and spend a bit more than the $300.


There is a Lenovo Thinkpad T500 on there for 299 CDN

Review for said laptop:

Not a fan of refurbs myself. That laptop has Windows 8 on it, which means it's not even a year old and it was already sent back and fixed and being resold.