I biked over 9 miles with the Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 vs. Garmin Forerunner 165 — this one was more accurate

Good first review. Any chance you could do an overlay of the three routes that were tracked so we could see how they truly did against one another (and you could also point out areas where you knew you were here, not there)?

Strava is definitely less accurate than devices meant for activity tracking. I have found that my galaxy watch 6 and my garmin edge bike computer are always way more accurate, especially around tall buildings than my phone with strava.

If you want to find the true distance, strava web has a 'correct distance' and 'correct elevation' feature where it uses the data from its maps rather than what the device provided
I'm calling the max heart rate a fluke because my 6 classic does it and so did my 3 classic. It usually happens when the watch isn't tight enough and I'm doing insane HIRT sessions. You'd think the software would see it as an oddity and filter it. The 3 was really bad about it. The 6 has done it maybe twice in a year. Also, if you have hair on your wrist, shave it!