I don't know where the shift key is on lenovo ideapad 310


Dec 14, 2017
I just bought the Lenovo Ideapad 310 with Windows 10 pro. I don't know where the shift key is nor do i know the product key. pls help

what won't work. If you need help, you need to tell us more detail.
If it new and the hardware is not working. return it.

the shift key wont put the at sign which i need for emails etc.

You are joking, right??
Looking from the touchpad, there is a large rectangular key to the left on the keyboard on the 2nd row, that's the Left Shift key (not to be confused with the even larger rectangular key on the 1st row - that would be the SPACE bar). Also on the 2nd row but to the right, there is a smaller square key, that's the Right Shift key - and they both say Shift on the surface.

If you just bought a computer with Windows 10 Pro on it you don't need to know the Product Key. Just start the computer and listen to Cortana.


OK, you wanted to know how to enter the "@" sign in your e-mail.

SHIFT + 2 or Right ALT + 2.
Right ALT is the key immediately to the right of the SPACE bar.