The car has a near perfect 50/50 weight balance, with the driver's spine positioned at nearly the center line between wheels. The front-heavy feeling is likely because of the driver placement in whatever you're used to. Audio sounds fine to me, however if you don't like it that's a totally valid opinion.
The single motor variant has over 300 mile range. This is industry standard right now with current battery tech for this class of car. The dual motor has 247, a little on the low side but not terrible. EVs can't hold a candle to ICE range (yet).
Agreed, but that's a concession made for better aero and if you need rear passenger room the Volvo c40 is on the same platform and less cramped.
This is a European car. Europeans might maybe occasionally use a cupholder for a water bottle. They don't drink coffee on the go. Nearly every European car has" inconvenient" cupholder because it is simply not a priority like it is for Americans.
Battery topology and a compact chassis. It took some getting used to, and it's totally bizzare, but I would prefer the odd slope over making the cabin 2" taller with worse aero. Totally agree that it's oddball and other EVs do it better.
At $20k more for a lucid air dual motor (super nice car btw) than a Polestar 2 dual motor, it's in a different class all-together. Also don't forget that Polestar routinely takes $7500-10k off the MSRP so you can't go on about the $58k price tag when it's $48-50k out of pocket.
Your opinions are valid other than the "absolute garbage" and there are issues with any car if you look hard enough.