I finally got a Steam Deck and I like it even better than my Nintendo Switch — here's why

I haven't had this level of FOMO in awhile, but I think I'm going to hold out for a SD 2 because I'm more a developer than a gamer, so I'd use it more as a portable dev machine. SD would be mediocre as a dev machine, but the SD 2 might be enough. 🤞
How can you really compare the Steam deck to the Switch when you can't play any of the nintendo games on it
How can you really compare the Steam deck to the Switch when you can't play any of the nintendo games on it
Not with that attitude.
There are ways to play nintendo games on the deck. You must be living under a rock if you don't know about emulation.
I'm assuming you're someone who wouldn't dare resort to unscrupulous methods, because you can absolutely play any (probably all) Nintendo games, up to and including the Switch. In some cases, with better framerate and resolution.
Lol ok...I had the Steam Deck for all of 3 hours before returning it. OneX and Legion Go are exceptionally superior. Something is wrong with people who worship the SD like it's the second coming.
Well the switch is more like a young persons gaming device or young adult. The rest of the gaming devices give you more choices and options