L ldleftwich Prominent Aug 28, 2017 1 0 510 Aug 28, 2017 #1 Looking for indoor power antenna with HDMI connection
Solution A A americanaudiophile Aug 29, 2017 You need an antenna but you also need an over the air tuner that has an HDMI output. https/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882576003&cm_re=atsc_tuner_box-_-82-576-003-_-Product Some converter boxes are for non HDTVs so they don't have an HDMI output.
You need an antenna but you also need an over the air tuner that has an HDMI output. https/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882576003&cm_re=atsc_tuner_box-_-82-576-003-_-Product Some converter boxes are for non HDTVs so they don't have an HDMI output.
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 14,933 147 103,240 Aug 29, 2017 Solution #2 You need an antenna but you also need an over the air tuner that has an HDMI output. https/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882576003&cm_re=atsc_tuner_box-_-82-576-003-_-Product Some converter boxes are for non HDTVs so they don't have an HDMI output. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
You need an antenna but you also need an over the air tuner that has an HDMI output. https/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882576003&cm_re=atsc_tuner_box-_-82-576-003-_-Product Some converter boxes are for non HDTVs so they don't have an HDMI output.