I own one of the most powerful gaming PCs money can buy — and I regret it

How the hello-kitty did you wind up spending $7,000 on that? Only if you were a complete n00b that got parts from a 100% total ripoff scammer could this happen. And wind up with only an i5?! Makes no sense.
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You spent way too much on an unbalanced system to make a poorly associated point regarding game ports.

Maybe you should have consulted with members at Tom's Hardware to build a more appropriate system to improve your gaming experience.

Bad game ports really can't be improved by more computing horsepower.
You spent way too much on an unbalanced system to make a poorly associated point regarding game ports.

Maybe you should have consulted with members at Tom's Hardware to build a more appropriate system to improve your gaming experience.

Bad game ports really can't be improved by more computing horsepower.
But if he had just went w an i3 and SLI another 4090, all of his problems would have been solved.
this is toms guide. could be a upgrade. some people just negative
Some people get paid to write for pc hardware outlets and use that forum to complain about an entire ecosystem when they have an obvious cpu bottleneck which leads to ... guess what? ...STUTTERING. Bad takes deserve negativity, not your excuses that do not absolve the writer from needing to have a clue about what he's writing about.
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this is toms guide. could be a upgrade. some people just negative

Whether it's an upgrade or not is irrelevant. The system is absurdly unbalanced, and in such a way that would absolutely cause stuttering and performance issues in almost all games, especially at higher framerates, and resolutions above 1080p. Making the claim that PC gaming is a waste of time or money, because you choose to own a PC that is poorly built, and then attempting to lay that blame on literally anything but your own incompetence, is absurd. That it appears on THIS website is just even more absurd.
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Calling a game a pc port rather than call a game a console port I guess is the sign of the times. Even D4 is prioritizing the UI for console.
Calling a game a pc port rather than call a game a console port I guess is the sign of the times. Even D4 is prioritizing the UI for console.

You know that PC ports have been a thing for like... A decade or more, right? Games have, for years, been made for consoles first, and then "Ported" to PC. Almost every single multiplatform game since the launch of the PS3, with some notable exceptions, have been designed for console first, and then modified to run on PC, and then all versions are launched simultaneously. Hell, the "Console Parity" issue has been around since at least 2010, and REALLY got off the ground in 2013/2014 with the launch of games like Assassins Creed Unity, and Watch Dogs 1.
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What the writer really needs to do is get a PC based game, such as Star Citizen, and complain that a game console is not powerful enough to run it. He has it all wrong, if you build a PC to play games then you pick games created just for the PC, or ported from the PC to those other systems.

Everything has to be balanced, you do not pick a 300HP farm tractor to mow just an acre of lawn. You do not pick a $7,000+ PC to run some game that should not of been ported to the PC, yet developed for the PC first and then ported to the consoles in a stripped down lesser version (think No Man's Sky port to the Switch 😉 ).