I used Google Gemini to streamline my grocery shopping and it saved me time and money — here's how

Is this for real? if so how can we get more detail? It seems a bit out there? Is the image recognition that good or do you have to do some arranging, and how do you update the various component facts?
I just tried part of this with Gemini and Copilot!!

I took a bunch of vegetables out of the fridge, then showed a picture to both asking what food they saw. Gemini got it all right, Copilot thought my orange pepper was an orange.

Then I asked each one for 3 meal ideas using those ingredients and chicken, cooked in a wok or a frying pan. And they both had good ideas.

To get better recipe suggestions I should show them a picture of all my spices and seasonings.
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Sure would like a full tutorial/example that I could follow as the original article claims? maybe figure out a way to post the whole dialog somewhere?
Seems like an awful lot of work for such a simple task. We use a grocery app to create the list. My wife and I add to it through the week as we use things and they get low. For instance, if we refill the sugar container, we add sugar to the list. We always keep a well stocked pantry and rarely run out of the basics because of this. When my wife makes the list for grocery shopping, she knows she doesn't need to take inventory for the usual items. She just decides what meats to get based on what she feels like cooking, or asks me if I want to cook something. (She's does most of the cooking, but I usually cook once or twice a week). We've set up the app so the categories include the aisle number, so the list is already ordered by aisle. I doubt if AI could improve on that.

Several years ago I realized I couldn't find my way around Phoenix any longer because I had gotten so dependant on GPS. So I reduced my usage of it and now regular navigate unfamiliar places without it, using it only if I need to. I fear too many people are going to start depending on AI for everyday tasks and they too will lose important skills.

Like organizing their lives..
This is seriously a sham article. As someone who's working extensively with these models, I can honestly say the process the way it is explained, it's not working. Excuse me but how exactly does Gemini recognize things in the corner and can see expiration dates? You'd have to take a picture of each product separately. And are you taking pictures from up front or from the top (which obviously is not possible to do with fridge shelves). Either way, it would be hard to do image recognition 🙄. And then the most funny part - how does actually Gemini track this? Sensors, cameras in the fridge?
I suggest the author to either include specific details next time or don't bother writing something that sounds like an extended version of what could be possible with an LLM 🤦‍♀️
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Did anyone proof read this?
Writer states she "aired" on the side of caution... How is that possible? No, you "erred" on the... In other words, you chose to be mistaken about something because you were being careful.
And shortly after there is a glaring typo.
And I agree with other commenters that the article is too vague to be helpful.
You can do better Tom's Guide.