i3 vs i5 for Ultrabook: is there a huge difference?


Nov 25, 2011
I'm really stuck with something. I want to purchase a new ultrabook, and I have found a really nice looking, well reviewed one:


However, I noticed that it has the i3-3217u processor. There is another model with the i5-3317u, but it is $150 more. There IS, though, a different Acer ultrabook with the i5, but it is $50 more, and I really like the look of the Sony Vaio.

I was also looking at the Lenovo U310 at first, but due to the huge amount of complaints about the WiFi, I have decided to ignore it.

Basically, what I want to know is will the difference between the i3-3217u and i5-3317u be huge? This is a laptop for my dad (and mom I guess), and it will be just be used at home or as a mobile computer. Very little if any gaming will be done on it, and it will just be for streaming movies, surfing the net, maybe opening PDF files, email, and just basic everyday stuff.

I have done some research and saw that the only real difference between them is the Turbo boost that the i5 has. But for what I'm doing, will it really be necessary? I want this machine to last a good 4 years, and once again, it'll only be used for basic tasks. Will the i5 really help me or will I notice a big difference? For example, if I (or my parents) open like 10 tabs or something and stream a video, will it lag?

Thanks a bunch guys, and I really want to make sure I'm making the right choice with this kind of thing.

Well I guess that is sort of relevant but I was looking for something more in depth...it just sounds like you're stuck on i5 for some reason ;/

I'd like some more insight as to whether that specific i5 will be noticeably faster than that specific i3 and whether or not it'll be able to handle what I mentioned above without any lag.

Oh no of course haha, I wasn't intending to game on this. This is just for everyday browsing, Microsoft word, opening PDFs, videos, etc. I just don't want it to lag if there's lets say 10 internet tabs and a video streaming.

And if I do play some type of game on it, I know it'd be on low and it wouldn't be a demanding game.

Anybody else got some insight? Or experience with this processor?


I know I'd be saving those, but what I'm concerned about is losing a noticeable amount of performance by going with the i3. Again, this is just for everyday casual use, not gaming. So, will it be noticeable?
the fine gents here have said multiple times that there is no noticeable difference in every day stuff. honestly, amd a6 or a8 would probably be the best for gaming/videos and is still more of a processor than i can max out (running 4 youtube videos and minecraft at the same time dosent hit 100% on my a8 lappy). over all, dont worry about it being too slow. i3 will be more then enough, if your going to spend 150 more get more battery life...

P.S. IMHO A8 > i5