I7 8550u mx150 2 gb ddr5 vs i7 7700HQ gtx 1050 4 gb ddr5

Feb 18, 2018
Hey guys ,

My question is simple.. I am in total diealama , I am confused b/w Asus 8th gen i7 processor laptop with a mx150 and the msi i7 7th gen laptop with a GTX 1050 ..I will be basically gaming,programming..and a lit bit of blender and also screen recording my games and editing them ..I have seen some benchmark results and it suggests the i7 8550u is better in single core performance and lags back in multicore performance..when. Compared to i7 7700hq .. considering battery life as one of the least important factor which do you guys suggest ?
Quite simple. If battery is not important, get the MSI (Considering they have same stats: RAM/SSD or HDD). The 7700HQ CPU is way better then the 8550u but eats 2-3x more power, GPU also around 50% better performance on the MSI.

I would like to add that personally I prefer the Asus with 8550u because of battery life and probably lighter so easy to transport.