I'm finally replaying Bloodborne on PS5 but there's one major issue — and it's not the frame rate

The blood vials do replenish from your stock.
If they didn't replenish it just means you have less than 20 in total...
In that situation, you're probably better off farming the starting areas a few times or try a dungeon
I went and created an account JUST to post this. As already pointed out, twice, your vials DO restock from inventory provided you have them in your storage. The fact that the writer did NOT learn this as of publishing shows a lack of attention to what was being done during playthrough and feels like a huge reach to find SOMETHING to discredit. Further the fact that a retraction or edit has NOT been done in over 6 yrs is amazingly astounding. Writer shows a clear lack of knowledge about subject and has therefore, whether intentionally or not, giving misinformation ... aka lied ... With no further edit being done and the article left as is. Site is being blocked for this misinformation game ve from the writer (yes I'm holding the publishing company responsible as well as the writer). Congrats on getting away with lying to people
I think this is a case of "git gud" Blood vials are SOO easy to farm. It sounds like you just want the game to give your everything so you don't have to farm for them. Also, they do restock, you have to put them in storage, but if you farmed them, (like every player should) you'd never run into this problem. Once I was in your shoes, no blood vials, you know what I did instead of complaining that it's a flawed mechanic? Actually play the game and get them. Bozo of a journalist.
I went and created an account JUST to post this. As already pointed out, twice, your vials DO restock from inventory provided you have them in your storage. The fact that the writer did NOT learn this as of publishing shows a lack of attention to what was being done during playthrough and feels like a huge reach to find SOMETHING to discredit. Further the fact that a retraction or edit has NOT been done in over 6 yrs is amazingly astounding. Writer shows a clear lack of knowledge about subject and has therefore, whether intentionally or not, giving misinformation ... aka lied ... With no further edit being done and the article left as is. Site is being blocked for this misinformation game ve from the writer (yes I'm holding the publishing company responsible as well as the writer). Congrats on getting away with lying to people
Tom's hardware has never been good with gaming news. They should stick to what they're good at: hardware reviews.
Just like that other guy, I made this account simply because I wanted to say that they DO replenish. You just have to have more than 20 in your inventory.
So much misinformation in this article. Your blood vials replenish from your stock. Looting beyond 20 creates a stockpile. If you ran out it's because you're healing too often. This isn't bad game design. This is a skill issue.